Small Buildings : Sidewalk Bins or Shared Street Containers?

NYC’s Department of Sanitation (DSNY) requires all residential buildings with 1-9 units to purchase standard 2-wheeled bins to set out trash for collection, while buildings with 10-30 units will have the option to use these bins or street containers. 

Nearly 20% of 1-9 unit buildings citywide have storefronts on the ground floor, so the bins can’t be stored inside. In Manhattan, this will affect 40% of 1-9 unit buildings. Bins may be stored on the sidewalk within 3 ft of the building, permanently obstructing the sidewalk and detracting from the storefront business. Residential only buildings may have stoops or lack space inside, leading to more bins on sidewalks.
We propose using shared permanent containers in the street, similar to those that DSNY proposes for large buildings, giving sidewalk space for pedestrians and NYC’s vibrant streetlife. On these types of blocks, with more frequent collection by DSNY, containers would occupy up to 3 parking spaces.

Read our full report here.